Monday, January 31, 2011

Imbolc Hot Chocolate Recipe

1 oz. gourmet milk chocolate grated
1 oz. gourmet dark chocolate grated
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup heavy cream

Optional Toppings:
whipped cream
cocoa powder

In small saucepan, combine milk chocolate, dark chocolate, vanilla extract, and milk. Cook over low heat (do not boil) and stir gently until milk warms and chocolate melts completely. Add heavy cream and cook another 1 to 2 minutes until warm. Pour into mug. top with your choice of whipped cream, cinnamon, and/or cocoa powder.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

3 reasons

Name three reasons why you should get out of bed tomorrow...

1.) If I don't take care of the cats int he house, no one else will.

2.) I need to make an effort to get out and find a job.

3.) If I don't move my car by a certain time, then I will get a ticket. nuff said.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

10 important things

The 10 most important things in any relationship

1.) Love- love is important because if you don't have love it's not a relationship it's simply a platonic arrangement and probably for financial reasons. I don't think any one should be in a relationship because they are simply used to it. Love should always be present.

2.) Trust- If you don't have love and care for the person it's quite likely that you don't have trust for the person. No one wants to be in a relationship where you are second guessing everything the person is doing.

3.) Compassion- There will always come a time in any relationship where one person will be suffering. instead of shrugging that person off and going about your business you should be trying to help them with it and be able to sympathize with them. If you don't care about what they're going through and that they're suffering, the relationship won't last long in the first place.

4.) Equality- You should be partners in this. Everything should be 50/50 because you are a team. One person shouldn't try and protect the other, one person shouldn't stand behind the other for protection, but they should stand side by side as equals facing the problems that may face their life and relationship.

5.) Acceptance- There will always be little things that bother each other or that we don't agree with. if we got into a relationship with a person, we obviously saw something there we liked. Don't go in there and realize there are some things you decided you don't like and try to change them. If you try to change a person in a relationship, you are simply fashioning them into your own personalize pawn and then no one would want that.

6.) Respect- This should honestly be a given but I've seen relationships that don't have this at all. A girl will invite friends over when her partner is trying to sleep. The guy will go out to a football game with the buddies instead of spending his anniversary with his partner. You really need to be considerate and respect the person you're with. If you know something will bother them, discuss it with them.

7.) Similar Sex Drive/Interests- This is simple. If one person is a horn dog and the other could really do without most of the time this is going to create friction (and not the good kind you're looking for). Also, if one partner is into some more hardcore stuff where the other just likes their plain vanilla this can also cause problems. 

8.) Sense of Humor- i think a great sense of humor is definitely needed in a relationship. Especially one that understand the partners as well. I know I've been in relationships where i make jokes and my partner just gives me this look like i grew 2 more heads and it's very disheartening. 

9.) Respect for your Personal Time- as much as you love each other, sometimes you need to take a break and just have some time for yourselves. Maybe have a girl day at the mall, or wing night with the guys. Your hunny should be understanding of this. 

10.) Similar Goals for the Future- if you want to have children and your partner absolutely won't, then that causes problems. If you want one type of wedding and your partner wants another, that's an issue. You really need to see what their goals are for the future so that you can try and tell if you'll mesh well or not.

Friday, January 28, 2011

you say goodbye, i say hello

"What are you saying goodbye to?" - ANON

I have realized that there are certain situations in my life that I need to leave behind in order to have a better and brighter future. There are things (people and situations) that are plaguing me daily with their stresses and I really just don't need to carry those stressed around with me anymore. The people and situations did hold good times at one point in my life, but i really need to realize that leaving that situation in the past and not holding onto it doesn't mean i need to forget the good times. I need to learn to cherish the good times without letting the current situation drag me down or away from what I really need to be accomplishing in order to make my life better. 

So i am saying goodbye to drama. Saying goodbye to people in my life who are holding me back from being who i want to be and from being where i want to be in my life. I'm saying goodbye to living my life for others and I'm going to start living my life for me. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011


"One thing I want to accomplish TODAY is..." 

I would like to get some job prospects taken care of. Lately I've been job hunting since I recently lost my Christmas seasonal job, and times are tough now and so to remain jobless isn't helping very much. I would at least like to find a place that will call me in for an interview. That would be ideal. 

Also, I've bee having health issues lately. My back as been acting up as well as getting some sort of cold/flu on top of it. I would like to hunt down my Nyquil today and at least start addressing that so that if i do get called back for an interview i'm not notting all over the interviewer. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Time is Ticking

"Do you ever think about growing old?" - ANON

Considering I just had a birthday recently I do think about growing old quite often. Also recently, I've attended a rally in Harrisburg about home health care which makes me realize that perhaps one day I might need this as well, so it's been on my mind a lot recently. 

When i think about growing old, I think about what my life will be like then. Will I be an invalid unable to do anything? Or will I perhaps be one of those 85 year old women seen jogging around towns at 6am? I would love to believe I would be the latter, but considering my health problems that I'm currently facing at my age, it's not likely, since they will only get worse. it's not that I'm afraid to die, but I'm afraid to be alone and leave behind those that I love. If I get married, I would hope that I pass before my spouse does, because I would be very miserable if it were the other way around.

Also, I would hope that as I grow old, I would have a chance to share the things that I've learned and the stories throughout my life with the family that precedes me. I don't like to think that after all these years of taking care of myself, there might come a day where I won't be able to bathe myself, or dress myself or even wipe myself after using the bathroom. I feel that in growing old and facing such things, you lose a lot of your dignity.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One's Path in Life

"If money didn't matter, what job or career would you go for?" - ANON

I would want to be a psychiatrist. I've always been that person that people come to for advice and to get things off their chest. I've been told that I'm full of good ideas and coping mechanism and that I am a very good listener. I get joy from being able to help people through their problems because in my life, when i was going through a hard time, I really never had anyone that I could truly lean on and run to confide in. 

I've been involved in the mental health system since i was thirteen years old and I know my way around it pretty well. I've studied things pretty in depth and have a basic knowledge for most things. I would greatly love to pursue a career in which every day I make my own little steps to make the world a d better place and to help those that are suffering not from the world around them, but from their own inner demons. 

I would specifically like to work with adolescents and young adults because I feel I could greatly connect with them and be able to help them not only through medicinal knowledge but through my own empathic ways and my own life experiences. I know how hard it is to be a teenager and sent to some shrink that knows nothing about struggle except what they've read in text books, and then have them tell you what you should be doing to make your life better. It's a very hard feeling and I would like to make a positive personal impact on at least one persons life through this field. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Stop and Smell the Roses

"What five things in life give you joy?" - ANON

1.) The feeling of falling in love. I absolutely adore that feeling of being someone's world and getting to know each other day by day. The anticipation behind the first time you kiss, or hold hands, or go to bed together. The happiness you feel when they get one of your nerdy obscure jokes. When you find out their favorite band is your favorite band. the feeling you get when you realize you've found something truly good and you're now off the market and happy about it. 

2.) Nature as a whole. Watching the seasons change, or a storm roll in on a warm summers night. Being lucky enough to catch an eclipse, whether Lunar or Solar. Watching how vibrant everything gets in the summer. Seeing those first sprouts of green shoot through the cold winter soil. Feeling a warm breeze on a winter's day to signify the coming of Springtime and nice weather. 

3.) Being able to have a truly deep intellectual debate/conversation with someone to the point where your opinions and beliefs can be completely polar opposites and yet you respect each other completely and can enjoy each others company for hours on end just by simply chatting. 

4.) Being able to make a child laugh. I know that sounds really corny but it's true. If a kid falls and scrapes his/her knee and they're crying, there's nothing better than the feeling you get when you dry their tears and see them smile and completely forget about their pain for that split second. Making a child smile/laugh is a great feeling because it usually doesn't take very much to do so because they enjoy the little things in life, and to see such simplistic joy is amazing.

5.) When I meet others that are just as loving, caring and accepting as myself. those who don't judge a person at all and don't look down their noses at people simply because of their sexual preference, skin color, religious beliefs, or perhaps even lifestyle choices. To meet people that are that accepting of the diversity in the world is truly amazing. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My three closest friends..

My three closest friends..

It's hard for me to really get a grip on this, so I'm going to break it down into some categories.

By Distance
These are the friends that live the closest to me as far as actual distance:
1.) Nate
2.) Dina
3.) Mike

Known the Longest
These are the people that have seen me through the good and the bad in my life and have stuck by me always.
1.) Ashley
2.) McKenna
3.) Miles

This category is for those friends that I can have serious deep discussions with that truly stimulate my mind.
1.) Jedah
2.) Purple
3.) Damen

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Everyone Dreams

"What are your goals for the coming year?" - ANON

My goals for the coming year are pretty big. Nothing super spectacular like become a rock star or win the lottery, but honestly, if those did happen it would make my life a lot easier. 

My first goal is to become more in tune with my spiritual side. I've always been a  practicing Pagan, but over the past year or so I've really let my studies and practices slide by the wayside and honestly, I can say that I've felt this impact on my life. I'm not nearly as positive as I once was, and things seem to weigh on me more heavily nowadays than they have in the past. So I figured by immersing myself back into my practices and studies I can make myself a happier person, and then I will also be that much closing to achieving another one of my goals, to be happy with myself.

Another goal that I have is to become as financially stable as possible. Ever since I moved out from my parents house, things have not been the easiest. over the 5 years I've been on my own I've had to rely on a lot of different friends and people to get myself by, but somehow I always make ends meet. granted, there is a lot of stress in living a life such as this, but I've never had to give up and go back to the drawing board (AKA my parents house). So I am very proud of myself for that. I recently got and own my first car, so that is certainly a step in the right direction. I want to find and hold down a decent job, and bank some money away for a rainy day.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Home is where the heart is

10 places I have lived, in order

1.) Philadelphia, PA
2.) Collingswood, NJ
3.) Albrightsville, PA
4.) Jim Thorpe, PA
5.) Palmerton, PA
6.) Mt. Poconoe, PA
7.) Walnutport, PA
8.) Slatington, PA
9.) Allentown, PA
10.) Emmaus, PA

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Good Old Days

"Between the ages of 5 and 10, what was your favorite activity?" - ANON

I would have to say one of my favorite activities was playing on the playground. There was just always so much to do there! monkey bars, jungle gyms, see saws, swings, slides, merry go rounds, and most importantly, friends.  It was always an adventure to go to the playground. you never know what lost treasure you would find dropped on the ground by someone else. You never knew which one of your friends was going to be there, or which new friends you might make that day. It was also really nice to get outside and out of the house for a while.

Another activity i enjoyed greatly was crafts. Whether it was painting, drawing, pipe cleaners, or making clothing for my dolls and stuffed animals, i greatly enjoyed creating things. Especially when I would get so much praise from my parents and those around me for my creative and artistic abilities. I just enjoyed taking some random scraps of things and throwing them together to create something useful.

I also greatly enjoyed watching Sailor Moon. I was absolutely obsessed with this show growing up, and to this day it still holds a special place in my heart. I enjoyed the music, the humor, the animation, etc. You named it, I knew everything about this show. I would print out pictures of our old dial up internet and plaster them all over my walls as a kid! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A list!

10 things I believe

1.) I believe that everything holds a lesson in life.
2.) I believe God is like a diamond: one complete entity both male/female. Each facet is another representation such as Isis, Jesus, Alah, Vishnu, Shiva, Osiris, Rhiannon, Ceridwen, etc.
3.) Religion is not a one size fits all type of thing.
4.) Ghosts and the super natural.
5.) That no one is perfect.
6.) Trust and Love are equally important. Without one the other cannot be.
7.) fighting for a better tomorrow
8.) Not everyone should be allowed to have children
9.) Everyone should have one thing they're passionate about.
10.) You should never make a hobby/passion feel like a chore

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Recipe!

So, I have been asked to post a recipe that I came up with. I like to call it Vegetarian Shepard's Pie

1 big can Asparugus
1 small can of corn
1 can of green beans (the cut doesn't matter)
1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 box instant mashed potatoes
cheese of your choice
salt/pepper/ or any other seasonings of choice

(fresh ingredients can be used instead, I just happened to have the canned versions)

*Drain and mix together the vegetables so that it's mixed through pretty well (Cut the asparagus if needed). Add this to a baking pan to be placed in the oven. Take the soup, butter and milk and heat it up in the microwave or on the stove top until it's creamy. Once it is, add it to the mixture of veggies. Sprinkle the cheese of your choice on top of this and then add your seasonings. Next take the instant mashed potatoes (or left over homemade ones work well) and mix them up till they're pretty thick. Add these to the top of the mixture as a coating to seal it. Sprinkle on cheese and add more salt/pepper if needed and bake in an oven 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or until nice and golden on top and then enjoy!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ever Mind the Rule of Three

"What made you decide to choose to follow a Pagan belief system?" - ANON

Well, to start, I really wasn't raised in a religious home. Most people I know who have a defined set of beliefs were raised by parents that followed the same structure. So growing up, I really didn't have that. My parents raised me with a belief in the "super natural" and would always talk about "sending positive energy" in a bad situation or getting "bad vibes" from someone and if something went wrong, or I was making a bad decision, the answer was always karma. I was also raised with a belief in reincarnation and the like, so I guess I was always open to these things.

Although my father had always attended an eastern orthodox church and my mother was raised catholic, a lot of my spiritual beliefs comes from my grandmother who practices Radha Soami Satsang Beas, which is an Eastern religion that follows Karma and reincarnation and believes in a living master. So I was always exposed to a bunch of different things. I was also told that it doesn't matter which religious label you place on yourself because at the end of the day, it's how you live your life and if you're a good person or not. My mother would always say "you can label yourself a Christian, but if you go home and beat your dog, does that still mean you're going to heaven because you've accepted Jesus into your heart? A Wiccan can live a perfectly content life, and be a much better person, even if they haven't accepted Jesus as their savior." She really ingrained in me that it's not about what you follow, it's about how well you follow it.

I guess what got me into it was just a fascination with the occult and a constant bonding feeling with nature. I was completely at home, by myself, in the woods and felt no fear, but comfort. I've always had a belief in the world beyond and have had my connections and experiences with it. I chose Paganism because it's not as structured as other "mainstream" religions. At least in my opinion anyway. I liked Paganism because it was like a spiritual buffet: you can take what applies to your life and leave the rest. Doesn't mean the rest isn't good, just means it doesn't suit your taste, that's all. Religion isn't a one size fits all type of deal. We are all different and different things appeal to us.

The way i look at it is God is like a diamond: one whole entity, but many different facets. Those facets represent figures in other beliefs: Gods and goddesses. Our religion of choice depends on which of those facets we are the most comfortable with and can identify with the closest. So in the end we aren't so different after all. I mean, most religions have a similar golden rule:"do unto others, as you would have others do unto you." "An ye Harm none, do what ye will." It's pretty much all the same.

Also, religion is like exercise: some people bike, jog, run, walk, cardio, dance... in the end the goal is the same: to be healthy and better ourselves. So why should we all be expected to run if that doesn't fit our style?
I chose Paganism because it's very accepting of a bunch of different things and it's a truly beautiful religion with an old and amazing history.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

You drive me crazy

"10 of my absolute worst pet peeves"

1.) People who log onto a messenger and say hi to you and then log off like you never even had a conversation going. It's like "if you wanted to friggin talk to me, why would you log off?" WTF!?

2.) Willow Smith. Alright. I know that I might get some hate for this but seriously guys? Will Smiths 10 year old daughter is singing songs about gettin mo shine, and haters and swagger and shit? WHY? Her father was known and respected in the music industry for being a clean rapper not needing to sing about hoes and bitches and such, and here she is doing this crap? what 10 year old little girl has haters and gets her swag on? She must be going to some crunk ass tea parties... Also... Justin Beiber.

3.) Twilight Fangirls. OK. i don't care about twilight. I'll say that right now. If i wanted to hear about the dirty love triangles or pale, glittery vegetarians, I could go to the gay bar down the street thank you very much (and gods know the plot will be better)! I don't care about whether you prefer Team Edward  or Team Jacob. When it comes right down to it, what that question really means is "do you prefer necrophelia? or beastiality?" Think about it.

4.) People who sing the wrong lyrics in songs and SWEAR they are right. Ok. This drives me absolutely friggin nuts. It's 2011 people. There are like 8 billion different lyrics sites online. you can't take the time to at least look up the lyrics if you're SO in love with that song? I mean, seriously.

5.) Advertisements on Youtube. Enough said.

6.) People who wear band t shrits and only like a few songs from said band. Like If you are wearing a metallica shirt and the only songs you like/know are Nothing Else Matters and Enter Sandman then why the hell are you wearing that shirt? Same goes for people who get grateful dead bear stickers because they like rainbows but don't listen to the band.

7.) Itallian restaurants that don't sell cannollis for dessert. WTF guys! 

8.) People who talk louder than they really need to on a cell phone. That bothers the hell out of me.

9.) Religions and followers that all think they are the one right way so they try to make my life hell for not following said religion. 

10.) Those screw on body jewelry balls/spikes. No matter what you have pierced or what gauge it is, you will always lose those friggin things! you could prolly be wearing a size 00 gauge and drop one of those screw on things and lose it!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Words of wisdom

"You have some advice to give to someone.  Who gets it and what do you say?"

I do in fact have advice to give someone. I won't name names, but anyone who is aware of the situation, will know exactly who I am talking about.

First of all, after 3 years of being head over heels for you but being so terrified of commitment that I refused to say anything about it, I finally had you and shit wasn't nearly as good as I thought it was going to be. I was seriously expecting some sweep me off my feet fairy tale ending to this tragic love story we had going on, but boy, was i wrong. You claim that I was always the girl. The only one. Your dream girl, or whatever. Well ya know what? After 3 friggin years of chasing after me and finally catching me, you would think you'd treat me much better than you had.

And another thing. I always felt like I was making the effort here. I've inconvenienced myself multiple times to arrange plans to see you. I've outed myself money to try and help you out and just get a chance to see your face. And what have you done? Nothing. You don't ask to borrow the car. You don't ask anything, ever. Or even make the effort to talk to me, or come see me. Shows how much you really need me in your life when you can go days without speaking to me and then flip shit on me and threaten to leave me every week. Nice job there.

I am a rare catch. Yeah I have my problems and such, and you know what? You do too. You're not perfect and neither am I. You really need to get over yourself. I understand your self esteem is shit, but I've tried to help you with that. I understand you have trust issues, but over the 3 effin years you've known me, I've NEVER given you a reason not to trust me! And yet YOU ignore ME for days and then when you do decide to talk to me, it's accusing me of messing around with everyone while you were busy throwing a pity party for yourself, and crying because no one showed up.

You know what? If you aren't willing to try and save yourself and make your own life better, people aren't going to be there to be your crutch. That's not how life works. We have two legs of our own so we can stand on them. We shouldn't always have to depend and lean on others as if we are some geriatric cancer case! Seriously? That's emotionally sickening. You were draining the life around me and those around you, and yet you wonder why I'm so upset about this? Put yourself in my shoes for once!

I've done everything that I possibly could to help you out. I've loved you. I've supported you. I've done whatever I can to make you smile. But if you aren't willing to learn to fly, i can't teach you. You are in a very negative hole right now, and you need to dig yourself out of it. I've done what I can. And I can honestly say that if things continue down this path, I won't be in your life. Because while your sucking the joy from others and wondering why your life sucks so bad, I'll be making something of myself because instead of having a pity party, I'm going to plan my future and find joy in the little things in life.

What you really need to realize is life is short. Enjoy the little things in life. Love like you've never been hurt. Get over yourself and realize that life is too precious to waste on hate, regret and self loathing. If you continue on this path you will be sad, and alone for the rest of your life.

Friday, January 14, 2011

You've got a friend in Me

"I think a true friend is someone who..."

I think a true friend is someone who has your back no matter what. If someone is talking shit about you behind your back, they would be the first person standing up for you. If they have a problem with you, they will be the one to bring it up to your face and not talk about it behind your back. The won't need to be afraid of their opinions and such, and you shouldn't have to be either.

A true friend is the type of person who accepts you for you, whether you are completely different, exactly the same, or somewhere in between. They know your flaws and they know your strengths and they love you for the full complete package! They respect your decisions, even if they don't personally agree with them, but they won't hesitate to let their opinion on the matter be known.

A true friend is someone that you walk into their house, call their parents mom and dad, and are expected to serve yourself and get your own drinks from the fridge. They are the type of friend where even if you don't keep in touch as much as you sued to, you can still pick up right where you left off, with the same inside jokes and silly behavior as if it hasn't been days, months, weeks or even years since you last saw each other!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The seasons turn...

"Choose your favorite season. Name the season and explain why it is your favorite."

My favorite season would have to be fall or spring. The weather is really nice and pretty usually not too cold or too warm. I'm really not a big fan of extreme temperatures at all. But a nice warm spring day, or a nice cool autumn day is absolutely amazing. Plus, there is a certain beauty about each one.

In the fall the colors of the leaves are breath taking. You can walk down the street and it's like the trees are made from stained glass. Each leaf is different and appreciating the differences in colors has always been a thing for me. I also appreciate the harvest with the pumpkins and gourds. There is a certain smell about autumn that Ive always enjoyed as well. The nice cool, crisp smell. Smells earthy and homey to me.

I appreciate spring because everything is new. You get the watch the flowers bloom, the baby animals run around or take flight. everything is a new green that just can't be seen anywhere else. Everything is fresh and it gives you a feeling of a new start. That everything you've gone through before is over now and you have a chance to start again, anew.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It can't rain all the time...

"Weather can affect your life. Think about a time in your life when you have been affected by some kind of weather."

Weather really does effect me more than I like to truly admit. I have been diagnosed as photosensitive, so where a bright, nice, cheery, sunny day might seem great to some people, I'm usually miserable with a headache. I try to stay indoors on days like that, or at least relocate to a nice shady area. Sunglasses are usually a plus in this situation. Although, if it's a nice spring, sumer, or autumn day nice and warm with a cool breeze, I usually can't help myself and find myself walking around outside and enjoying the feel of the warm sun on me and the nice breeze.

Slow, drizzly rainy days usually make me feel tired. When I was growing up, my mom would always call these kind of days "snappy-nappy days" because it was the perfect time to catch up on some much needed rest and just relaxed and re-cooperate from the stress of life's daily routine. I would often just lay around the house and catch up on some reading or drawing and just take it easy on days like that. 

During violent rainstorms/thunderstorms the energy int he air is electric (no pun intended). I have so much energy on days like that. I'll go outside and just let the winds and rains take me. it feels almost cleansing. Now this could be because of the natural energy in the air and the force behind such weather patterns or this could be because I am a practicing pagan and have come in tune with the weather and how it effects me. Either way, these are the days where i usually get stuff done. I'll clean the house, do the normal household chores and such and just be overly productive. Sometimes I just seem to have too much energy at this time and end up feeling like a caged animal, but after going for a walk in the rain i usually calm down and ground myself.

As for snowy days, it really depends on the snow. If it's just barely flurries, i usually get upset because it's cold and gross and not even enough snow to make it a winter wonderland. I really do enjoy a nice snowy night. I think it's oddly romantic. it's the perfect time to cuddle up to your sweetheart, or go for a quiet, peaceful, romantic walk in the frigid winter air. 

It truly is amazing to think at how much weather can truly effect us.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"When did you first realize you were grown up?" - ANON

Honestly, I don't believe I am. I may be considered an adult by my age, but i certainly wouldn't consider myself a "grown up". I don't consider most people, even the elderly, "grown up." I think this mainly stems from my spiritual beliefs and thoughts about reincarnation. I base everyone's age not off there actual physical age, but the age of their soul. Life is kinda like school. There are different classes and different grades to move through in your life. You certainly aren't going to be learning calculus in first grade, just like you won't be learning some of life's harder lessons as a young soul. 

I view each life we incarnate as a grade in school. No one knows how many grades there are, all I can honestly assume is that once we stop incarnating, we've graduated from life. But does this mean that we are done learning? I don't honestly believe so. I think we move on to something such as a "grad school," where we get to choose what to specialize in. Maybe some people want to be healers, guardian angels, creators... who knows really? These are just my thoughts and opinions and views that I've held true to for all my life.

So when I am asked, when did you know you were a grown up? I simply reply that I have never stopped growing.

Monday, January 10, 2011

In a Galaxy Far Far Away...

"Do you think there is life on other planets?" - ANON

I had just had this discussion the other day actually. Now, when people think about this they automatically think about out planets in our own Solar System. They aren't looking at the big picture. There are millions of galaxies and such that we haven't even discovered yet! There are ancient writings and pictures of what people seem to believe are traces of visitations from aliens. There are weird things that are seen or reported that no one can really explain. 

My thoughts are, the universe is far too big for us humans to be considered the only intelligent life out there. I mean, seriously, I'm sure to "god", we're like pokemon cards... if you have a deck full of pikachu's.... shit gets boring.  I'm sure there's a full collection out there of different races and such, with different looks, morals, mind sets, basic make ups, intelligence levels. It's quite fascinating to think of really. 

Do i think we'll ever come into contact with these beings? Well, i certainly won't dismiss the possibility. I do believe that if we do come into contact with these beings it will be because they came to us because looking at our technology, we certainly haven't developed the means (or a lifespan long enough) to travel great distances to search for such extra terrestrials. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

4 things...

"List up to four of your best qualities. Pick one that you think helps you succeed in life. Write about how this quality helps you overcome day-to-day obstacles."

1.) Accepting
2.) Eloquent
3.) Open Minded
4.) Loving

Being open minded and even accepting allows me to be open to new experiences and opportunities in life that I may have missed if I set limitations for myself. It also allows me to agree to disagree. Just because someone has different views than me doesn't mean I am going to disregard them as a person or say that their opinion means nothing. Because i am open minded and accepting of all things, this allows me to not hold grudges, or dislike people for a habit, lifestyle, or belief structure.

I think all of these qualities help me succeed in life. Simply because they all really go hand in hand, except for being eloquent. Although, if you do get into a serious hardcore discussion about something, the wording can truly make all the difference between a legitimate, intellectual debate and a full blown argument because what you had meant to say didn't come out correctly.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mercury Retrograde

What happens during Mercury Retrograde?:
Since Mercury rules communication, it's said that everything goes haywire in that area -- emails get deleted or bounced back, mail is returned, calls go out into the ethers, etc. Some people find that their computers go on the fritz or phone lines go down. I've never seen the hard data on this, so make your own observations. It does seem though that miscommunications abound during the retrograde period.

A Time-Out:
Mercury retrograde gives us time to catch up with ourselves, and to look back. Something from the past might return in a different form. This can mean people, ideas or buried insights that need to surface for you to move forward. Often it's felt as a contemplative time, depending on the sign, a chance to go over old ground again, to claim what you missed the first time.

Be Non-Committal:
There's a long-held belief that it's best to avoid making set plans during the Mercury Retrograde. This means being cautious about things like signing contracts, and forming partnerships and corporations. What gets put in writing at this time may turn out to need serious revising after Mercury goes direct. But since tying up loose ends is the domain of retrograde, this type of finalization might fly.

Can you repeat that?:
In our relationships, sometimes we gloss over things that pushed buttons at the time, but which we let slide. What seemed not worth the trouble may reveal itself as a major issue in need of our attention. The Mercury retrograde is a time for review, when the underlying patterns come to light.

Back to the Drawing Board:
Some dreams and goals get lost in the hectic rushing around of daily life. The Mercury Retrograde period can be a rich time of reflection on those longings. This makes it a time for the soul to ponder its destiny. You might look over old journals, review your creative work, muse on serendipities of the past that have pointed you toward your spirit's calling. It can make the retrograde period a time of solidifying a sense of your personal story and where you're headed.

What does it mean in each different sign?:
The Mercury retrograde is shaped by the sign through which it is cast. For example, a Mercury retrograde in Cancer turns the mind toward things like family, home and the invisible emotional bonds that connect us. On the other hand, a Mercury retrograde in Aquarius gives it a different spin, with a review of group dynamics, the larger human community, all from a detached perspective.

Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde:
Astrology is a tool that can make you aware of patterns, like those that come during a Mercury retrograde. Just observe and see what happens, and be open to the past returning for review. If it's coming back, there's likely something more to learn or release from it. You don't have to retreat to the zen monastery, but a little solitude and quiet reflection never hurt anybody.

Friday, January 7, 2011

"What is courage?" - ANON

Courage is often misunderstood. Having courage doesn't mean that you have no fear. Quite the contrary actually. Being brave and having courage are quite similar. people think that to be courageous, you storm into danger without feeling any fear at all. It is human nature to feel fear. it's quite natural. We naturally fear the negative outcome, or fear the unknown.

Having courage means working through that fear. It means, despite the fact that you're afraid, you still do what's right; even if it's out of your comfort zone, or even if you are frightened or nervous. It's about overcoming such a fear to progress and move forward in your life. It's a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. This doesn't mean you don't experience fear; you simply don't show it.

The real test of courage is in our daily lives. Or should be.

The courage to speak the truth. All the time. Because lies are the biggest and most obvious sort of cowardice 
that all of us hide behind.

The courage to speak our mind and not stay silent, simply because we are afraid that other people might not agree with us. Of course, there will be conflicting views. And of course, conflict is unpleasant. But not speaking your mind can lead to much worse unpleasantness.

The courage to stand up for what we believe in. The courage to follow public rules and laws and insist that other people follow them too. The courage to resist those who take easy ways out, which only leads to more corruption and red tape in our social systems.

Mark Twain has said, Courage is not the absence of fear. It is acting in spite of it.

The sign of a courageous person, then, is someone who is feels, fear, recognizes fear and still goes on to do what he or she believes is right.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Laura Fullam

"Which person, living or dead, do you admire the most? Why?" - ANON

I would say that I really admire my late step mother, Laura Fullam. She did so much for me when my own family would not. I have to say she was more the authoritative motherly figure that I really needed in my life when my own mother was trying to be more my friend than the mother I truly needed at the time. 

She was a good soul that always had a soft spot for people and especially animals. She would always find the good in people, but she wouldn't take crap from anyone. She was always true to herself and what she believed in. I think she was probably one of the most caring, forgiving, accepting, spiritual people I have ever had the pleasure to meet in my entire life. I strive to be like her in every possible aspect that I can because she was such a good person. She gave her all to see others smile, even til the very end. 

She was a guardian angel come to life. She always knew exactly what you needed to hear. It was almost as if her wisdom came from a source beyond human understanding. She spoke with such conviction like she knew all the mysteries of the universe and she was very very wise.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


"You just won a thousand dollar shopping spree to your favorite store. What would you buy?" - ANON

Well, my fave stores would either be s tattoo shop, Fuck the Mainstream, Hot Topic, Spencers or Salvation Army. Yeah, I know, all those expensive stores and then Salvation Army LOL but you find some awesome deals and great finds at thrift shops! Some of my fave clothing I've found at Salvation Army! And I'm not too proud to admit that! 

I would prolly buy a lot of stuff. I'd prolly start out buy buying The poizen Industries Alice Coat (in Black) that i've been oggling for months now, simply because it's adorable and I don't own a legit coat. I usually just wear hoodies. But it's an adorable coat that fits my style and is versatile enough that it can be dressed up or down depending on the situation. 

I would get the tattoo's I've been dying to get (two nautical stars done in navy and gold on my chest). And I'd prolly come up with other ideas as well. 

I would then purchase underwear and socks and such (because honestly, who doesn't need that stuff most of the time)? The remaining money would be spend on things like awesome trip pants, cute jeans, awesome tops that are just too cute to pass up. Probably a new purse or two because I would want want that I could take for casual stuff and then a regular black purse. And then of course I would need to buy accessories for the outfits I just purchased. Make up and colored clip in hair extensions would be in there somewhere as well.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Luna and Sol

Would it be too much to ask,
To allow me to be your balance and your compliment in this world?
If your brilliant beauty should be the day,
Than let me reside in shadows of the night and be your Dark Queen.
Let my somber pallor and tenebrous beauty contrast you in your brilliant perfection.
Your light splendor dances and chases away all the shadows in my murky world.
Your light cascades in on my dark solitude, blinding me beautifully with it's brilliance.
If you should be the radiant sun than let me be the pale shining moon.
Basking in your glory that I may reflect your light upon myself.
For without the Sun's rays the moon would hide her Face;
Without your love, my smile would be hidden by the darkness.
Let my bring your light into my shadowed world of stars;
so that with your love i might outshine them all.
Let us dance in the heavens above and show the world our love.
And in that moment of time, the Universe will be at ease.
The storms shall calm and the light of our love will embrace the cosmos.
And we will have found peace in the Dance of the Ages.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Light (Apollo)

I grow weary of the dark, my love.
I become tired of the night's deceitful shadows.
The torturous gloom that permeates my very soul.
The dusk that blinds my sensitive mind from the luminescent beauty of the light.
The murk that painfully eats through my pale flesh as acid through delicate floral blooms.
The glacial cold that keeps my haunting pallor from shining beautifully.
Will you walk the path of illumination, my love?
And walk the trail of the brightest day?
Paved with the blaze of the sun itself?
You can be my Shining Knight, my love.
And I your Lady of the Sky, draped in shining droplets of gold.
I'm so tired of the dark, my love.
Let me absorb the splendor and shroud myself in the truths of the suns luminescence;
Where only you and i shall know the secrets that the casted shadows hide.
The jagged shadows of the night hold more lies than all the veiled truth of the day.
Won't you dance with me, my love,
The dance of time itself?
Feel the noon hour draw nigh and hold me in your lustrous embrace.
Sense the blaze flow around you as sands in an hour glass, never returning.
We are everything and nothing in this incandescence.
Dance the steps of the Elders in this waltz of brilliance.
Feel it envelope us in this promenade of the Ages.
In this radiance shines the beauty forever illuminated in phosphorescence.
We are one as before, and so shall we ever be.
By Her Will, So Mote it Be.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Apollo (The Sun)

For long I've dwelled in darkness, the murky twilight consuming my soul.
My eyes grew used to the dim light, and I thought I found beauty within the shadows.
I was so sorely mistaken.
For from the clouds your beauty emerged;
The silver lining to the clouds of my despair.
Such radiant beauty, like Apollo himself, cascading down, burning the shadows away.
I feel graced just by your presence.
You're the Light in my life to match my darkness.
The perfect balance.
Let me be your lunar guide and bask in your light.
Let me shine for you, and you alone.
Let me be the pale beauty of the night that completes our balance of night and day.
For your love is the only reason that my face may alight with joyous splendor.
Without the sun, the moon would never shine.
Without your love, i would never smile.
I had my choice of suitors.
But instead, the sun chose to radiate its love upon me.
The soft golden rays of your smile bring to light all the joy and hopes in my heart.
Your touch is as the soft warm beams of the comforting sunrise.
All my life I've been searching in the darkness for something i thought I could find,
But I never realized that what I was looking for was not in the tunnel...
It was the light at the end...
The Sun.
My Apollo.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Should auld acquaintance be forgot

"what is your New Year's Resolution(s)?" - ANON

I've really never thought about this. I mean yeah it would be great to quit smoking and it would be great to get in shape and lose weight and be healthier and all, but it's not just something that should be changed just at the drop of a hat you know? The last time I gave something up for New Year's, it was caffeine and that was a horrible idea. I lasted until March, and granted I lost 30 pounds from not drinking/eating anything with caffeine in it, but not being able to take headache medicine killed me in the end.

I guess it's to just continue to be accepting. Don't hold any grudges. Not be afraid to be myself. gain some confidence. Find a steady decent job. Get my life together. That sort of thing. Be more accepting of love o something like that.