Sunday, October 31, 2010

Procreation Conversation

"Would you ever buy condoms for your kids?" - Anon

First off let me start this buy saying that I really don't agree with these 12 and 13 year olds running around having sex and stuff. I mean seriously, at that age you're lucky if you've started growing hair down there! Ok, rant finished. Hmmm... would I ever purchase condoms for my children? Well, if they approached me saying that they were going to have sex, first off I would do everything in my power to not let the opportunity arise for them under my roof. Once they turn 18, I would be more lenient about having boyfriends/girlfriends in the house and such, but there would definitely be rules involved.

If my children ever approached me saying they were interested in being sexually active, I would take any precautions necessary to make sure that they won't wind up with herpeghonaspyphlaids or a baby. I would put my daughter on birth control and even show her how to use spermacides and put on condoms the right way. I would also teach my son how to put on a condom the right way. After that, I would make sure they see all the horrific dangers of living with STD's and the pain and suffering people endure while living with such things. I would also show them an in depth graphic video of a woman having a painful child birth. Nothing wrong with putting a little fear into them is there? All it really does is show them the true reality and consequences of their actions.

In short, I would do everything I possibly could to stop them from having sex at such a young age, but teenagers have minds of their own and will do what they want anyway. All I can really do is make them well informed and as well prepared as possible. Make them realize that if they are going to participate in such an adult action that they must be willing to bear the consequences of those actions.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Off to Dreamland

"How long can you go without sleep?" - Anon

This is a pretty easy question to answer. Not much more than 24 hours. At least not without a quick nap of some sort. I can tell you now I've been awake for close to 24 hours and I'm definitely feeling it so this will most likely be a rather short entry. I've been awake since about 9 this morning I believe and I've been running just about all day. I should have grabbed a nap but I got caught up with friends.

And although I would love to take a nap, I have things I must do beforehand, such as finish my Halloween costume for the party tomorrow and also pick up my roommate from work. So, with not much else to say on this subject, I am going back to finish my costume.

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Neglected Garden is Full of Weeds

This is more of a rant then anything else. It's about taking responsibility and actually raising your children. I was at the laundromat last night at a late hour (11pm-after midnight) and there were 4 kids running around. I don't think any of them were older than 6 years of age. Their behavior was appalling! Running around, screaming, banging on vending machines, climbing in washing machines and dryers, climbing on top of dryers. It even got to the point where one of the younger kids (about 2 years old I'd say) was running around with one of the carts and ran into my room mate! The entire time the parents just sat there and did NOTHING!

Now, perhaps I'm just getting old, but in my day, that behavior would NEVER be acceptable out in public! My mother would have given me to count to 3 to stop. If i hadn't, she would have grabbed me and took me to the car. If i still didn't stop, I would have gotten spanked. I would never have acted that way in public for fear that my mother would break my legs or kill me! Not that she actually would, but kids today don't seem to have any shred of respect or fear for their parents! I remember when kids wouldn't do certain things because the first response would be "Oh my God! My parents are gonna kill me." It's just not like that anymore.

I seriously think that parents are too lax with their children. Children need to be raised, and have morals and lessons instilled in them. Newsflash: they don't just pop out knowing wrong from right! I also think that spanking is a good for of punishment. I don't know about any of you, but "time outs" never did anything for me. I just sat there singing to myself and then when my time was up i would go on my merry way. Children are like dogs. If they get their nose into something they aren't supposed to, what's wrong with a light tap of the newspaper to show they're wrong? Spanking actually gets through to a child. At that age you can't fully explain why what they are doing is wrong, you simply need to instill into them that it is!

It just disgusts me how unruly these children were and even more so how neglectful the parents were. Honestly, my room mate and I could have walked out with them and the parents wouldn't have even noticed. It took them 15 minutes to realize their 2 year old son had even walked outside into the parking lot through the automatic doors! If i ever have children, they will be spanked, and punished, and reprimanded, because I'll be damned if they'll run around with no moral compass, not knowing acceptable behavior.

End rant.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Playing Pretend is Part of Every Adult Life

"Are you ever too old to dress up for Halloween?" - Anon

What a fun question for this time of year. Well, considering I'm nothing but a huge kid at heart, i LOVE dressing up! Whether it's in a costume for a party or dressing up to go out to a club, don't we all like to play pretend? Dressing up isn't just about Halloween (although you can get away with a lot more fun option around this time of year). I thoroughly enjoy dressing up in costumes. This is one of the many reasons I enjoy LARPing so much. It's pretty much like having Halloween for an entire weekend, once a month where I can dress up as an elf or a barbarian and run around the woods.

Dressing up is just so much fun! Sure, some people say that you're too old to dress up for Halloween but who made those rules? Back in the day, Halloween was a Pagan festival where all members of the town would dress up to scare away the wandering spirits that wanted to cause mischief! ALL AGES! Nowadays it's turned into yet another holiday ran by the major candy corporations (surprise, surprise!). Children used t dress up and go door to door to visit their neighbors and were given treats of the harvest as rewards. So, Halloween has always been a holiday for all ages.

As far as dressing up in general goes, do you go to job interviews in jeans and a t shirt? I didn't think so. You assume the role of a well dressed, respectful individual that would seem to suit the role. When you go to meet the parents of you significant other do you dress all ratty and such? Probably not. You assume the role of a nice guy/girl so that the parents will like you better. So, in all actuality, we dress up constantly and put on different "costumes" depending on the situations we are in.

So in conclusion, you're never too old to dress up!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stress, it's a killer

"Which is more likely to kill you, stress or cigarettes." - Chris 

Well, this is an interesting question. Being a smoker of 3 years now (I am in the process of trying to quit), I can see the health risks involved with smoking. Hard to breath and such, coughing, could lead to cancer. heart disease. All that fun stuff.  There is plenty of scientific proof and even the warning on the outside of the package of cigarettes stating to health defects of them. I honestly think this needs to be taken by a case by case scenario.

Stress can cause heart attacks and panic attacks and such. Stress can even be the reason for suicide attempts. I believe that stress is just as dangerous as cigarettes, if not more so. People can always choose to quit smoking. They usually can't just decide to stop being stressed. The long term effects of stress are just as bad as those with cigarettes. So, to answer this question I think that they are both just as dangerous.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Little Things in Life

"What are 10 guilty pleasures you like to indulge in?" Anon 

1.) Starbucks. Yes, on occasion when I'm feeling fancy and regular coffee just isn't good enough I spring for those fancy white mocha espresso frozen coffee things. They are just too good.

2.) Tattoos. I'm addicted. I'll say it right now. I have 7 tattoos, all with meaning but I love the feeling of getting new ink done. so exciting and although it's a guilty pleasure I believe it's a worth while investment.

3.) Burger King Breakfast. There's just something about their delicious hash browns in the morning. I LOVE BK breakfast with a passion!

4.) Bubble Baths. Sometimes I just need a break from everything and soaking in a nice hot bath with nice smelly bath bubbles is just what I need to feel pretty and stuff.

5.) French pedicures. Although I've never actually gotten a legit pedicure from someplace I need to pay for it, I'll take about an hour to give myself my own pedicure and French pedicure just to feel prim and proper.

6.) Ben and Jerry's Ice cream. Yeah, I don't like paying $4 for a pint of ice cream, but I'll be damned if the flavors they have aren't worth that $4 and then some. Plus I'm mildly lactose intolerant and it's just worth it on occasion.

7.) Shoes. I love shoes and as is seen women tend to have many pairs of them. Sometimes it's just nice to get a sexy pair of heals even if you really won't ever go outside in them. I've been known to through on dance music on my ipod and clean the house wearing a nice sexy pair of heals just because I can.

8.) Hibachi Steakhouses. These are usually expensive but there's just something about sitting down in front of the hibachi and feeling the heat watching the chef prepare my sirloin hibachi. And it's sooooo yummy.

9.) Margueritas and other fruity drinks. I'm not much of a drinker, but on rare occasion I'll go out to eat and spring for a frozen fruity marguerita just because they are so damn delicious.

10.) A day without cleaning. Sometimes, even though I know stuff needs to be done, I'll let it wait a day just to grab a day to myself and relax. Sometimes that's all that's needed to make life seem better.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Only The Good Die Young

No questions today, but more of a dedication to a friend recently lost.
Mike Sterling


This man was amazing. He lived his life by the motto "life fast, die young." and he did just that. Despite not having the best of lives and always having some hard times to deal with he made the best of every situation. He lived life to the fullest every single day. He always had the craziest stories to tell because he never limited himself in life. He'd try just about anything once just so that he knew he wasn't missing anything.

This is the only death I have never cried over. I tried. I knew I should be sad at the loss of a life and of a good friend but I couldn't bring myself to do so, so I asked myself why. Then I remembered a conversation I had with Sterling whether he ever regretted some of the crazy decisions he's made in his life. He replied, "why would I? I've tried everything I wanted to, and will never regret it." Despite the hard times he never regretted a single thing, so should I cry over this? I don't believe so. How can I be sad for someone who lived life to the fullest, with no regrets and died by the very words he lived by? I can't be sad for this. 

He was always looking for peace in life. Something knew that might bring this sense of harmony to his soul, and I believe now that he has found it. That peace he has searched so long for he has finally achieved. I know he will be missed and will always be in my thoughts and loved as a dear friend, but as Billy Joel Said, "Only the good die young." He was truly a good hearted person and effected many lives with his open heart.

Rest well Sterling. You've definitely earned it man. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Too Much Water, Even Through Love, Can Drown the Seedling.

"What's the difference between parents supporting you in a decision vs. pushing you towards it."  - Anon

This is a pretty good question. For the longest time my parents have always simply claimed they were being supportive when in all honesty it seemed as though they were trying to live vicariously through me. My mother is usually worse than my father with this. There is a big difference between supporting your child and pushy them towards something they don't really wish to do. For Example: All my life I've had a knack for art. My mother was never artistically talented and she was so proud of what I could do that she continued to push me towards doing art. At first it started out as fun things like little projects and such here and there, but as I got older I heard a common phrase over and over again. "If you don't go into a career for art, you're stupid." Said with all the love in her heart, might I add.

I have always enjoyed art, I honestly have, but if I make a career out of it, it will most likely be something like tattooing or piercing. Most of the art done nowadays is on computers anyway, so i have no interest in that. But as soon as I tell my mother, "Guess what? I'm applying to be an apprentice in a tattoo shop!" her response was less than thrilled. "A Tattoo shop? Couldn't you be a fashion designer or graphic designer"? Never pleased.

I've constantly felt pushed towards the decision of following a career in art, although I have no real interest in taking a hobby I love and turning it into work. Especially when it comes to art, I work horribly under deadlines. But that's only one side of the story.

When I told my father my dream was to become a tattoo artist, he immediately shunned the idea saying I would be some starving artist and barely making ends meet and that I needed a real career in life. Way to be supportive Dad. He's always pushed me to do something with medical billing, or filing or become a nail tech so I can work in his office and help him pay rent. He's incredibly selfish when it comes to things such as this. He's even offered to pay for courses so that I can get a certificate and help him up at the office. Could you see it now? My black hair and facial piercings as I greeted 72 year old diabetics to the Podiatrists office? Yeah, I laughed too. 

Simply put, my parents were pushy when it came to my decisions in life. They know what they wanted for me, and part of me believes that in my mom's case, she wished to live vicariously through me. My father simply wanted a business partner even though the only interest I've had in any kind of medical career was to be a psychologist, not a medical office lackey. Simply put, it's not my thing.

I believe if they wished to be supportive, they would give constructive criticism: pointing out the pros and cons of my choices, and helping to weigh them against each other. Passing along helpful information that would be crucial to getting a start in the right direction on the career path of my choosing. Honestly, the more they pushed me towards doing something I didn't want, the more I despised my natural talents in art.

In conclusion, all I can really say is, regardless if they are supportive or pushy, follow your dream and do what makes YOU happy.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

And the Rivers Flow Into the Ocean...

"What are some Family Traditions that You would pass along to your child(ren)?" -Anon

Despite not having the easiest life growing up, I did have some pretty neat traditions in my family. Considering my father was raised Armenian and my mother a mix of things, it was quite the interesting pairing.

Natural Stained Glass
One of my fave traditions is in the Autumn when the leaves start changing colors and falling. My mother would gather my brother and I and bundle us up against the brisk autumn air and we'd grab a plastic bag and go and find the prettiest leaves we could in all shapes and colors. When we returned to the house, we were told to use a crayon sharpener and sharpen the crayons down to nothing and hold onto the shavings. From there my mother would get out wax paper and lay it down, waxy side facing up. We would take the leaves and arrange them to our liking and then sprinkle the crayon shavings around them. Mom would then take this place the other piece of wax paper down and with an iron melt the crayon shavings together in between the leaves. When you hang them on the window the light goes through them and it's really pretty. ^_^

Another of my favorites i an Easter tradition from my father's side of the family. Around easter we would dye the eggs as normal, but then we would do an egg cracking competition. Everyone had their crazy strategies and such on how to make their egg last the longest without breaking. Ever seen "My Big Fat Greek Wedding?" Yeah, exactly like that! So i have some pretty interesting culture in my life.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Family Trees Don't Grow On Facebook

"How do you feel about being friends with Parents/Immediate Family/Relatives on Facebook?" - ANON

Let me first start by saying that Facebook is a "social networking site." If you don't want your family circling around your social network, than don't add them. That being said, let's jump right into it!

Honestly, I believe that there should be a certain amount of boundaries between a parent and a child. When I went to counseling when I was younger  I was told that the main problem with the relationship I had with my parents (specifically my mother) was that "your parents are your parents before they are your friends." I know that there are certain things I want to remain private in my life although I share almost everything with my mother. At least that way I have the choice whether to tell her things or not and she simply won't just find out through Facebook. I think that if I personally chose to befriend certain family members on Facebook that I would feel the need to censor myself. For example, I like to use the word fuck a lot. If I happened to be friends with my mother on Facebook, I would need to change the way I talk or update statuses. I don't feel comfortable censoring myself if I don't need to.

Immediate Family
I guess this would include siblings and step siblings. They're your age so the understand the social networking thing slightly better than your parents who would constantly be asking how to do something (at least my parents would). If you have a good relationship with them than I don't see why you shouldn't be friends with them. Unless you're afraid your goodey good sibling will run and tell your parents everything you're doing. That would drive me absolutely insane! My brother and I get along fantastically now that we're older, and the only reason I'm not friends with him on Facebook is because he doesn't have one.

This would include aunts/uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc. I don't know about you, but my family talks A LOT. If i posted that something was wrong in my life i'd have them crawling in my personal business. I only have one relative on my Facebook, and that is my cousin of a close age i grew up with. We've had our ups and downs and realized, we're a lot more similar than we had imagined. It's one of the few ways I have to keep in contact with her. But think of all the crazy things people post on Facebook. Maybe you have jokes that have racist tones to them that your family would find highly offensive. Maybe you swear a lot. Maybe you flirt a lot and openly. Or for you ladies out there? Think about the crazy breast cancer status games that go out... I'll tell you right now if any of my family (cousin excluded) saw a status that says "I like it on the kitchen counter" they would all think I'm some sort of exhibitionist whore because I'm announcing it to the world. Try explain what "7 inches :-(" means to your grandmother. See how that conversation works out for you.

Or in general, think of all the silly ridiculous pictures you post of doing silly things in Walmart. Do you really want to try and explain why you're holding a phallic object and your friend is trying to blow it to your grandmother? I know I wouldn't. If you try do to the "cool thing" and all your pics are that emo Myspace style where you don't smile, be prepared to have your relatives say "you know, you'd look so much prettier if you smiled." Yeah, no thanks. I don't want that kind of nitpicking on my site.

In conclusion, I've heard of enough Facebook drama going around. Why would you need to add to that? If you have a relationship with your family that can handle that and not cause undue stress? By all means go for it! I just personally think if you wanna keep your family in the loop, call them! Go visit them! Myself? I'll keep it to my select few who I consider friends and not just family.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

In a Land Far Far Away...

Why Do You LARP?   question from Matt Calo

Well, I guess I should start out by saying what a LARP actually is for those who aren't aware. LARP stands for Live Action Role Play. You create a character based on the "world" the LARP takes place in and you choose classes and skills from said class.

There are many different kinds of Larps such as Post Apocalyptic, Steam Punk, Wild West, Vampire, High Fantasy, and the list goes on. The Larp that I attend fairly regularly is a Larp based out of the New Jersey/PA area and is called Knight Realms. It's a high fantasy larp meaning there are different races such as elves, goblins, orcs, sylphs, nyads, dryads, hobbits, like 5 types of humans. There is a pretty detailed class system including a wide variety of magic, combat and divine usage. Pretty much think of it as a Ren Fair mixed with Dungeons and Dragons and Lord of the Rings. That's the best way I can think to describe it. Well, at least the LARP i attend. Knight Realms is also a 50/50 split as far as role playing and combat. Something like SCA is more combat intensive. So if you're looking into Larping make sure you find the right Larp for you.

Now as to the reasons I larp. Honestly, I've always loved dressing up in period style clothing and going to ren fairs. Ever since I was little I enjoyed it. Felt like I was in my own little fairytale of some sort. I've always been drawn to that style of dress whether it's ball gowns or peasantry clothing, I find it all beautiful and very feminine. It's a nice change of pace going from T-shirts and jeans to fancy skirts and bodices.

First, let me begin by saying I have a slight social phobia. Being around large groups of people I don't know makes me go into panic attacks. It took a few months for a friend of mine to convince me to go in the first place, but everyone there is so incredibly nice that it began helping me get over my said phobia. This was one of the first reasons I had decided to go. I didn't want to live like a hermit the rest of my life and I came to the realization that I was letting fear limit me and my life. And so despite being uncomfortable with it, I decided to take the leap and thus far it's been greatly successful.

Secondly, I've suffered from self-esteem problems most of my life. Through Larping, I've been able to instill certain characteristics in my own personality that I have striven for, therefor helping me begin to overcome my self esteem issues. For example, I can be incredibly shy around new people and somewhat quiet, so I created a character who was a Barbarian combat class. Being a barbarian I was loud, boisterous, not being afraid of conflict or approaching people. Through constantly having to get into the mindset of this character i began to realize that I have the ability to stand up for myself, speak my mind and not be afraid of meeting new people. Through playing her I began to gain confidence in myself. After all, if you become so used to acting a certain way it becomes second nature for you. 

I currently play two characters, a High Elf Mage and a Barbarian Dragoon. Both are complete opposites of each other. The Elf is very prim and proper and incredibly witty allowing me to express my intelligence without feeling like I'm blabbering away. Also, it allows me to see what is considered correct social interaction therefor making me less social awkward in situations. Where the barbarian gives me a new sort of confidence. It helps integrate certain traits I've desired in myself for a while but until recently haven't been able to bolster within myself.

Another reason I Larp is because it's fantastic stress relief. Being able to beat "monsters" with fake soft weaponry in a fantastic way to blow of some unneeded stress in life. As well as being able to be someone completely different for a weekend. Simply getting into the mindset and leaving your troubles at the door for an entire weekend is usually the step back from reality that I need to be able to journey back to real life and deal with issues that have been bothering me. It's actually been better for me than therapy and I'm much happier with this coping method.

The final reason that I Larp is because we're a pretty tight knit and nice community. There are people who go from all age ranges and all walks of life whether they be a poor college student or a wealthy retired business man. The friends I've made there have been absolutely amazing and I couldn't ask for a better experience ^_^

A Lot of Time... Just as Many Thoughts

Well, I was introduced to this website by a friend. She blogs constantly and it's always interesting to read her posts. I figured, I have plenty of free time and things to blog about sooo.. why not start one of my own? I will be asking for questions and topics to discuss on Facebook and Vampire Freaks to get started. If you don't agree with my thoughts and topics, then simply don't read them. Everybody has their own opinions and such and I respect everyone's whether i agree with them or not so I would appreciate if mine were respected as well. Not much else to say here so, happy reading! ^_^