Saturday, December 11, 2010

And on Behalf of the Moon...

"When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?" - Anon

Well, despite the fact it's past this holiday, I'll answer this question. I used to dress up as a bunch of different things. As one can imagine, being a little girl I enjoyed dressing up as princesses. I remember going as princess Jasmine as well as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I remember going as a cowgirl, a vampire, an army girl. I went as Sporty Spice one time. I once went as Sailor Mercury from Sailor Moon. That was totally fun to dress up as. I was dressed as a devil when I was teeny tiny. 

My fave costumes I would have to say were when I crossed dressed. One year I went as Benji from Good Charlotte. It was a totally weird costume and no one knew who I was but a select few people. The year after that, I went as captain Jack Sparrow and let me tell you, I made a sexy Captain Jack Sparrow. The best part about that costume was that year in school, the bands theme was pirates of the Caribbean.  So i remember walking into music class and there were a few practicing band members there. They started up playing "He's a Pirate,". Needless to say, I felt pretty epic.

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